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130°F hot

7 months ago

The temperature in the garden is 130°F. This is almost a record thermometer value. Despite this, we live a rural life and garden. And the flowers continue to grow :).

But there are also problems. The tomatoes were literally cooked in the garden. The tomatoes became soft and wrinkled. The sun kills vegetables even if you water them every day. It's so summer and hot this year.

And this is a video of the heat last year. It was cool then. Total 110°F

Video: "Hell 110°F!!!!"


  • 0/2000
  • OH S***.!!! Are you Kidding.??? Where did you get that thermometer.? It's really COOL.!!! :)

    1 like
  • I lost three hens to the heat. It was too much for them. I put out ice packs for the remaining hen. Rough year.

    1 like
  • 🤯 Only one reason for this, NFS!🔥 Observe... https://youtu.be/wbfgVEk-mxQ?feature=shared

    1 like
  • Oops😰

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  • Great upload

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  • nice post

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  • That's supper hot🔥 it's 112° here today. Stay cool my friend.

    1 like
  • It is so hot here as well so bad

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  • Love the guitar!

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  • Drink a lot of water and stay in shades. This is way too hot!

    1 like
  • Very hot... like Brasil! haha

    1 like
  • wow that's hot

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  • Omg 😦😳🙏😇🦋Stay safe it's been 112 over on this side lots of my plants are dead now sorry for your tomatoes 🙏😇I've been getting a bit of migraines lately from this heat stay safe out there🙏😇🦋🎀God Bless you guys

    1 like
  • That is hot! My dog and I usually try to camp close to the river so we can cool off on the hot days.