CCP Is the One Bipartisan Issue Where Everybody Can Gel Together

7 months ago

07/16/2024 Former US Rep. Denver Riggleman: The CCP is a bipartisan issue, and there is bipartisan support to see the CCP as a threat. I do believe that CCP is the one bipartisan issue where everybody can gel together. Regardless of their past views or things like that, the CCP issue is something we really have to worry about.
#CCP #bipartisanissue #takedowntheccp #Chinese≠CCP #DenverRiggleman
07/16/2024 前美国众议员丹佛·里格尔曼:中共是一个两党问题,美国两党都支持将中共视为威胁。我确实认为,中共是唯一一个可以凝聚所有人的两党问题。无论人们过去的观点如何,中共问题是我们真正需要担心的事情。
#中共 #两党问题 #消灭中共 #中共不等于中国人 #丹佛·里格尔曼

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