Pirating North Korean TV - Satellite Intercepted

7 months ago

0:00 Pirate TV opening trailer
0:23 Captains Log, Star Date July 12, 2024
0:49 North Korean National Anthem
2:46 Weirdo Woman says to worship Kim
3:06 Kim's Grandfather Partying
4:47 Kim's Daddy Partying
6:11 Olympics, North Korea here we come again!
9:31 Sing-a-long North Korea is total greatness!
20:11 Kim's new Water Park & Spa - Russian kids love this place!
43:55 Sing-a-long the greatness is never ending
51:30 Kim opens his own Jurassic Park
59:09 Sing-a-long again it's only greatness here
1:07:33 Here is Kim the Super Supreme leader
1:23:55 Weird and Wonderful where we walk sing-a-long
1:27:49 Obedient Citizens I yell for you all
1:43:30 Sing-a-long can't stop this greatness
1:53:53 The Musical Army Band
1:58:05 Our Military guys can dance good
2:01:35 Late Evening News & Weather
2:12:53 Sing-a-long going to dream of Kim tonight
2:17:56 Tomorrow's schedule rundown
2:23:40 Good Night and sign off for the night

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