Sabbath Message for 15/05/47/120 - 20/07/2024

3 months ago

Sabbath 15/05/47/120
Dear Friends,

Today is the third sabbath of the Fifth Month Ab. Last week we looked at the process of God dealing with Israel and the entire world from this month Ab over the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) and now ahead of us. Last week we looked at the way God dealt with Judah over the Fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians (No. 250B) They were restored under Ezra and Nehemiah and they were allowed to remain in situ over the period up to the birth of the Messiah and the establishment of the Church of God over the period from the 80th Jubilee in 27 CE and the commencement of the Ministry of Christ in 28-30 CE and his Death and Resurrection (No. 159) and his activities after the Resurrection over the 40 days after the presentation before the Throne of God (No. 159A).

God gave Judah 40 years to repent from 30 CE to 70 CE. Not only did they not repent but they became far worse than they ever were, and so God sent them into captivity for 40 Jubilees (see War with Rome and the Fall of the Temple (No. 298) which is today’s text). He scattered the church into the wilderness over the same time, so that the Holy Spirit could be given to as many as God had set aside under the 144,000 and the Great Multitude that were to be born and developed in the elect for the First Resurrection (No. 143A) at the Return of the Messiah in 2027 to take over from Satan and the Fallen Host. These aspects are covered in the texts concerning the Two Resurrections over 143A; 143B, 143C and 143D. The text in 143D shows why it is more desirable to be in the First Resurrection and what is to occur over the period from 3128 CE with the coming of the City of God (No. 180) and the Rulership of the Universe from the Earth.

God has warned Judah and the Churches of God over the period of the Holocaust that they were in sin and did not have the protection of the Seal of God. And so, God allowed Judah and Sardis and Laodicea to suffer the Holocaust and six million Jews and an unknown number of Sardis and Laodicea were killed in that conflagration for keeping the False Calendar of the Babylonian system, or no specific calendar at all, in the case of Laodicea, but they still did not understand and repent. With them, a great number of Israel were also punished over the time of Jacob's Trouble between 1916 and the present (see Nos. 036; 036_2; and also F027xi, xii, xiii) and will now suffer greatly over the next four years of the Tribulation. Untold millions will commence to die from this War of the Sixth Trumpet (No. 141C) and the pestilence following it and the continued War of the Fifth Trumpet.

We saw from the Great Tribulation and the recent messages dealing with the Wars of the End that the Great Tribulation will commence from Ab in 2024 the 47th year of the 120th jubilee and continue on for four years to the New Moon of Ab in 2028. Satan and the Fallen host will go to the pit in the completion of the 120th Jubilee at end 2027 and the False Religions of the world under Satan will be completely eradicated from end 2027 to end Tammuz 2028 (see End of False Religion (No. 141F)). Then Messiah and the Loyal Host and the elohim of the elect will establish the millennial system under Messiah from Jerusalem over the end of this age (No. 141F_2) and then a repeat of what happened when the city of Jerusalem was restored over Ab and Elul from 2 Ab to 25 Elul when the Wall around Jerusalem was rebuilt in 52 days. See last week’s message of 8 Ab. That will occur in 2028 for the Restoration for the Millennium (No 141G).

The Messiah will then restore the planet over the 121st Jubilee which is the Fiftieth Jubilee since Ezra and Nehemiah. That is explained in the text the Golden Jubilee and the Millennium (No. 300).

We have seen the Tribulation unfolding now and in the build up to 10 AB we examined the sequence in the Sabbath Message for 8 Ab last week at
From 8 Ab into the Ninth Ab we saw the attempt at the assassination of Former President and Republican candidate for President, Donald Trump. Had the assassination attempt succeeded on Nine Ab they would have taken Trump to hospital, made sure he was dead, and at the evening of 9 Ab for the beginning of 10 Ab at Dark, they would have announced his death with much anguish and the Deep State would have got on with the process of establishing the Beast power, under their control, in the US. However, as many of us have noted it was not well planned and it is all too obvious. Dan Bongino rightly called out some of the serious concerns over the secret service performance and also the inconsistencies in the accounts. There are now calls for the DHS secretary to be removed from office.

The shooter appears to have been a long-term sleeper registered as a Republican voter but his donations reportedly went to the democrats. The shooting is not a random crank effort.

Firstly, the Secret Service did not have enough people there and they and the police allowed a sniper to get to the roof of a building, painted white, and set up 130 yards from the candidate at the rally. The Secret Service now claim it was outside of their area of responsibility. The shooter was observed moving on to the roof by the spectators and they warned both the Secret Service agents and the Police that the shooter was on the roof and the fact was that he was highly visible. The people who warned the police and agents said that they did nothing at all, after the warning, and then allowed the shot to take place. Only when shots had been fired, and many of them, wounding Trump and a number of others did the police counter snipers take out the shooter. The shooter failed with Trump because he was untrained and did not allow for the wind drift and a fortunate tilt of the head. As a result, the shot missed Trump's head and the round caught his ear instead. The result was that instead of a dead candidate they now have a very angry one and increased the odds that he will become a very angry 47th president. They made no such errors with JFK and had two shooters on the knoll. This time they had used police snipers and if they had two shooters they were not well trained.

The Marxist Globalists have been talking up this assassination attempt now for years. They have done it deliberately and they should be arrested and tried for it. So also the leftists media deliberately and collectively misreported the event and made it out to be a case of Trump falling over and having to be removed from the stage.

They need to take legal action against the various news outlets involved and fine them massively. As it is, they have encouraged the attitudes and the event. If the US does not deal with these people, and this attitude, then there will be civil war develop and elsewhere in the EU, UK and the Commonwealth. The comments of these politicians are inflammatory and if they are not stopped many will die as a result. The US does not seem to see the likely results of this way of speaking among its people. Love of one another is the only solution (Second Great Commandment (No. 257). The Media is the problem.

What will follow now? The Wars of the Fifth and the Sixth Trumpet will develop further (No. 141C). The Globalists have the option of a further attempt on Trump which will invite massive retribution on themselves. The most likely option is for them to initiate WWIII and declare martial law, using the Middle East. Iran and the Ayatollahs are inciting Hezbollah and Hamas against Irael. That will not stop now until they are themselves exterminated in the final Purim in the Last Days (F017iii). Those events will see China invade Taiwan and the nuclear exchanges initiated in the EU and Russia. That will all occur over the remainder of 2024 and by Passover 2025 over half the EU will be dead as will be Russia and over 150 million dead in the US. Due to Australia's insane vulnerability from ALP and Liberal political and developmental Globalist induced insanity and incompetence, only about 10 million people will be left alive in Australia, with the majority of the dead coming from strikes on the capital cities. The demons have planned that only less than 500 million will remain alive on the planet by the arrival of Messiah or less if they can achieve it. Scripture indicates only about 5% will be left alive. 95% will die.

By Ab 2028 the only people left alive with be those keeping the Laws of God and the Testimony and Faith of Christ and the Apostles and the Temple Calendar (No. 156) that comes from the law. Sardis and Laodicea will be repentant or wiped from the face of the earth. They will go to the Second Resurrection for retraining.

Keep the Faith.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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