1 Corinthians 32 Spiritual Gifts Overview 1 Cor. 12-14 Eph. 4:11-17; Rom. 12:4-8

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SBC Family,

What I'd like to do is be able to take us all back to the 1st century and embed us in a local church service in a house church, say at Corinth. That's my goal in studying these spiritual gifts this time through. I've got a document I've attached and we probably will not make it through all of it, but I hope that it is fun and I hope that we cover a lot of interesting territory. I hope it's especially a benefit to all of us to be exposed to His wonderful word. It changes lives. I hear stories almost every day of people's lives being changed by Him. Your life, my life, all of our lives have forever been changed by the providential work of God through His word and through our circumstances. I hope you join us tonight.

Don't forget prayer! Prayer is the theme this year. I'm taking everything to Him in prayer and trusting Him for the results. This is a conscious act of dependence each time we take something to Him in prayer rather than try to figure it out ourselves. Even the 'small' things in life. If you are tired of trying to do things yourself, why not in humility cast your cares on Him because He cares for you. Stop wearing yourself out and throw your worries upon the One who never wears out.

In His love,



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