Bus: unusual activity

8 months ago

#bus here since mid March

Unusual activity going on here:

I don't think anyone is living in this bus .

On most nights, small #redlights light up the inside of the bus, however, sometimes the lights are all blue, and a couple of nights, the lights were all green. And sometimes, there's just some white lights lighting up the outside.

Along side the bus, another vehicle is parked for a few hours on most days.

The bus is parked parallel to Hermanas grade (facing my house) but on the East side of Hermanas grade .

It is parked there for 2 to 3 weeks at a time:

Then, the bus is driven off & not there for 3 or 4 days, then it returns back to the same place for another 2 to 3 weeks.

Today is 7/17/24 . The bus has been here since mid March, 2024

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