Beauty by J Krishnamurti// सुन्दरता क्या है ?💗😊❤

7 months ago

Beauty by J Krishnamurti// सुन्दरता क्या है ?💗😊❤

You can’t find beauty, nor the tree nor the bird will give it to you, but you will find it everywhere if you look. Beauty as love, is not an act of experience; experience is the interaction of the thinker and thought and so of conflict.
Beauty, as love, is there where the thinker is not and thought with its feeling has come to an end. All knowledge must come to an end for beauty, as love, to be. But you know about everything; you have argued and counter argued and come to many conclusions; you have become so clever for you have known dullness. You know everything and if you don’t, you can always find it in books. You can go to the moon but you have no space in the mind; you have little open spots, but not space where the infinite past and the infinite future have met and lost their meaning completely. It is only in that space that there is beauty as love. There is no space for thought, there is, to go to the moon but beauty, as love, is not there. It’s there, in that unspotted space of the mind and it’s difficult to find the mind for there is only exploding space. For creation is beauty, as love and death.
Beauty is the seeing the immediacy of the whole. You can see the immensity only in a flash, the whole of life in a fleeting second. It is not thought that sees; thought is put together through time; when thought sees, it is within the field of time and so there is continuity and decay follows; age and sorrow set in.

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