🔴 LIVE Call of Duty Mobile Custom multiplayer SND`s Matches

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1) Write in English only. Don't be afraid of writing wrong or broken English. Please don't shame people for using incorrect grammar. No language shaming in the chat.
2) Be respectful to each other. Abusive or Hate speech will not be tolerated.
3) No Spam, No Promotion, No Links, and No Vulgarity.
4) Do not talk about Politics, Government, Religion, Crime, Law, or any other sensitive matters. This stream is not a right place for those topics.
5) Don't give unsolicited advice. Everyone is wise here.
6) Please refrain from asking any personal questions such as name, age, place, work, etc. The things that I want to tell about me are on the About Page of this channel.
7) Do not give me challenges when I'm playing. I have my own playing style and I keep improving my gameplay by trying new things in the game.
8) Do not talk about other Streamers, YouTubers, Content Creators, Bloggers, Vloggers, or Businesses.
9) No business inquiries or sponsorships offers please. I'm not willing to do any kind of collaborations or partnerships at this moment.
10) Do not sell your services to me; such as thumbnail designs, video editing, increasing viewership, or search optimization.
11) Do not ask me to make you a Moderator.
12) Do not ask about my device specifications. It's unproductive. Go ahead and create something with the gadgets you already own. Be creative.
13) Do not ask me for Free CP or Free Battle Pass Giveaway. I'm on a budget, Sandy.
14) Do not ask me to play any other mode in the game. I play according to the Title of the stream.
15) Do not ask about channel analytics. Instead, create your own channel and build your own stats. It's rewarding!
16) I may delete your message, give you timeout or permanently hide you from live chat without a prior notice. Please, don't ask why.
17) If anything offends you here, simply leave this stream and move on in life.
18) Please don't ask if you can play with me. I will be playing with subscribers in future.
19) Respect your own privacy in the chat. Do not share your personal things here that can affect you in your real life.
20) Take a chill pill and have FUN.
Extras tags
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