7 months ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today #SpiritualWisdom▪︎
You must learn to MASTER and CONTROL your #EMOTIONS..Engagement in senseless banter of meaningless conversations..that neither party has control over..Only drains your
precious energy..The powers that be..counts on society to be at WAR and SEPARATION with
each other..to maintain division and manipulation amongst the masses..Your continual confrontation just to suit your ego of superiority over someone else..Shows your lack of confidence to truly believe in yourself..
Those that doesn't engage in such foolish tactics of insecurities..Can see and move with clarity..Not allowing the individual(s)..access
to compromise and take root in oneself #MENTAL thought process and decision making..You will notice their confidence oozing through their behavior and response S of NEGATIVITY..They control their emotions..weeding out all that doesn't align with their Actions..Concerns..and Decisions..
They need not concern themselves with the approval of others..They walk their own path..
Most Humans lack this type of blessings..
Yet..It is not impossible to learn this process..
It takes #RESILIENCE..#PERSEVERANCE..and #DEDICATION over your ego..and taking ACCOUNTABILITY for your ACTIONS..
Doing the SHADOW and INNER work..
All of this begins with #CHOICE..
As you follow the #COMMANDMENTS and #LAWS..of *THE ONE MOST HIGH*..
Keep P E A C E in your heart..Go with #God and move forward with #PositiveOptimism #MuchLove Humans▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Comment :

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