Facts To Consider About Homelessness In The United States Of America

6 hours ago

1. Did you know there are an estimated 653,104 people experiencing homelessness in the United States? (according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 2023)

2. Did you know Black Americans are disproportionately affected by homelessness, making up 37.3% of the homeless population despite being only 13.6% of the overall population?

3. This isn't just an adult issue - did you know over 111,620 children were experiencing homelessness in 2023?

4. Homelessness is concentrated in urban areas.Did you know over half of all homeless people reside in the 50 largest US cities, with Los Angeles and New York City containing a quarter of the homeless population alone?

5. Counting the homeless population is difficult. Did you know HUD's annual count may miss some people, potentially underestimating the true number experiencing homelessness?


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