If Michelson disproved the Æther, then what are all these papers and experiments about?

7 months ago

If Michelson disproved the Æther, then what are all these papers and experiments about?
Quick question, If Michelson disproved the Æther, then what are these 150+ papers published from after that through the year 2011 all about I wonder?

The truth is ...
every single interferometry measurement ever taken confirms the lack of earth's motion around the sun.
FACT https://x.com/aethercosmology/status/1729367514553909294

Logic test:

According to the mainstream heliocentric model did Michelson Morley debunk the Aether?

Is all that is needed to explain Michelson Morley, from within a Heliocentric framework, the removal of an Aether?

Can we use an interferometer to detect the motion of an object moving in a curved path?

Can this be done without an Aether?

Is the Earth moving in a curved path around the sun?

Can interferometry be used to detect on object moving in a curved path with or without an Aether?

Did the interferometer in Michelson Morley detect the assumed orbit of the Earth?

Would removing the Aether alone explain the results of Michelson Morley?

Did Michelson Morley debunk Newtonian Mechanics?

If Relativity is required to explain Michelson Morley by explaining the orbit of the Earth cannot be detected, would a consistent detection of motion falsify relativity?


https://t.me/AntiDisinformation/10636…Excel with all the data: https://t.me/AntiDisinformation/10635…Endnote library with all the evidence: https://t.me/spaceaudits/796

DEVESTATING to the globe, hence the giant smear campaign that resulted in idiots on the internet who cannot pronounce "interferometry" saying "Thanks BOB".

So sad

doi https://doi.org/10.1515/zna-2011-3-413
Absolute motion determined from Michelson-type experiments in optical media https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1619
Authors: Valery P. Dmitriyev

Gravitation and electromagnetism
Authors: V. P. Dmitriyev

Elasticity and electromagnetism. Part 1: The Coulomb gauge https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0202006
Authors: V. P. Dmitriyev

Mechanical models of physical fields and particles https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/9906019
Authors: Valery P. Dmitriyev

Earman, J. and C. Glymour (1978). "Lost in the tensors: Einstein's struggles with covariance principles 1912–1916." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 9(4): 251-278.

Norton, J. D. (1993). "General Covariance and the Foundations of General Relativity: Eight Decades of Dispute." Reports of Progress in Physics 56: 791--861.

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