WTFR Midweek Media Ball-ache & Other Irritating Nonsense Roundup, with Joss & Marty 16-07-2024

7 months ago

Nice to have Marty join me again, it meant there were two talking heads moaning about the state of the world, the news cycles & the dark overlords who lord it over the rest of us.

We analyse the total fiasco which is the "attempted Trump assassination," & why so many people believe the whole thing was staged.

What actions have our misleaders & our MSM done to cause such distrust & cynicism among the public? Is there any action that can be taken which will restore the public's faith in government? Or have we reached the stage where permanent removal of all authority (including billionaires who have bought & extorted power & land away from others) is necessary to ensure the safety of life on Earth? I know what I think, but what say you? Maybe let us know in the comments.

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