Hard To Watch: Biden Suffers Multiple Glitches In Nevada Campaign Swing: Part 2

3 hours ago

Posted • July 17, 2024: While my colleagues — who are all much smarter than I am, it would seem — were focused Tuesday night on the fun, games, and red meat at the Republican National Convention, I was abusing my brain (and liver) watching Biden attempt to campaign in Nevada. And now my brain and liver both hurt. The erstwhile Most Powerful Man in the World™ made at least two campaign appearances in the Silver State on Tuesday, which the White House now calls "a big boy day." For what it's worth, unions delivered Nevada to Biden in 2020, doing the election things that unions do to deliver the vote for Biden in Clark and Washoe counties where Las Vegas and Reno are. This year, Teamster boss Sean O’Brien spoke at the RNC. Republicans might not have liked everything — or much of anything — that O'Brien had to say, but he wasn't at the RNC to speak to Republicans. He was there to deliver a message to Democrats: "Biden sleeps with the fishes."

But I digress. I promised you more of Biden's brain-squeezing weirdness, so here you go. Biden's biggest stop in Nevada was to the keynote address at this year's NAACP convention in Las Vegas, where he gave a little pep talk about [checks notes] how racist his home state of Delaware is. -- Biden is rambling incomprehensively again. To sum up: • Half moons. • More oil than Houston. • ??? • LOUD NOISES. -- As has become the norm over the last few years, there were two Bidens on the stage yesterday — and I don't mean one of them was Jill, Hunter, or Beau (who died in the Civil Rights movement or something). There are two Joe Bidens during a typical speech. There's the doddering old man who can't finish a sentence, and then there's the one whose sentences have you going "Wut?"

This one is the latter: Biden says his best friend was ’Mouse’ when he was a “lifeguard in the projects.” https://rumble.com/v57abg2-cornpop-is-jealous-biden-talks-about-his-best-friend-mouse-during-speech-at.html -- Sure. Why not at this point. What is he talking about? Who is Mouse? I don't know and neither do you and neither does Biden. -- Here's the highlight reel: Forget politics, this is hard to watch on a purely human level. Let this poor guy rest. (…)

• More at: PJ Media - HARD TO WATCH: Biden Suffers Multiple Glitches in Nevada Campaign Swing
Rumble: Biden In Vegas Shouts At The NAACP, Battles The Teleprompter, And Praises The BLM Riots
Rumble: CornPop Is Jealous! Biden Talks About His Best Friend 'Mouse' During Speech At NAACP Convention
Rumble: Hard To Watch: Biden Suffers Multiple Glitches In Nevada Campaign Swing: Part 1
Rumble: Sundowning: Biden Has Absolutely No Idea Where He Is As He Tours The Deli Of A Nevada Supermarket

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