Gold Fringed Flag - Merry Time Lulz (2. Captain's Rules)

4 hours ago

The second song in Currents of Current-Sea.

From birth your name is signed in ink, a cargo on their logs
Through labyrinths of maritime, where freedom often fogs
Your certificate, a ticket, to sail their paper seas
Where captains laden with decree, command your liberties
Bound by lines in ancient scripts, the anchors of your fate
Money streams like currents flow, dictated by the state
Beneath the flags of commerce, where oceans turn to ink
They sign your name and chart your course, you sail before you think
Underneath these ancient laws, your voyage is foretold
Captured as their cargo, in the maritime of old
Bound by lines in ancient scripts, the anchors of your fate
Money streams like currents flow, dictated by the state
[Verse 4]
You're like driftwood in their harbor, no voice to stake your claim
Through tides of legal jargon, they play a ruthless game
Bound by chains of commerce, in court where justice sinks
Drowning in the paperwork, in ink that stains and clinks
Money streams (pure and liquid)
Currents flow (into banks)
Your name in capitals, carved in history's slate
Like a tombstone's cold embrace, they dictate your fate
In the ledger's mournful ink, they bind you to the stream
Where numbers dance and pulse, making dreams a fleeting dream
[Verse 4]
Silent sirens call your name, echo through the halls
Paper seas and legal chains, binding large and small
Your name in all capital letters means you're dead
Like a gravestone, in the courts, where the policies are read
Ink dripping like the blood of dreams, beneath their iron tread
In the legal labyrinth, where your fate is unsaid
[Verse 5]
Digits dance on screens of fate, your identity confined
To the rule of ancient scripts, where your freedom is maligned
Echoes in the courtroom, names carved in stone
Your future mapped in phrases, freedom overthrown
Digits on the screens, lifelines in the code
In this digital domain, where liberty’s erode
Crystal clear in capital letters, they call you by your name
A phantom in the system, just a player in their game
You think your corp can fight the fine, but it's a phantom shell
In legal wrestling you'll find, you're marching straight to hell
The root is corpse, it can't contest, see the irony unfold
In the land of legal labyrinths, where your assets they hold
Your corporation's like the walking dead, can't argue 'gainst the state
In the courtroom's roaring thunder, your fate they calculate
You're cruising down the open road, the lights flash in your view
A ticket writes your destiny, your freedom's up for review
Don't ignore that slip of paper, or you'll find yourself in chains
In the court of law, they lay the score, where justice entertains
Corpse in the courtroom, your name in capitals they call
Ignore the fine, you'll do the time, in the judicial hall
When you walk through those courtroom doors, expecting just a fee
Remember it's the captain's rules, no justice guaranteed
You'll face the judge, but don't be fooled, it's all a grand charade
The game's been set, the traps are laid, in shadows of their trade
Ticket in hand, your fate is planned, beneath the towering codes
It's not about what's right or just, it's how the script's been wrote
Your ticket is a contract, to bind you to the state
Like captains on their merchant ships, your destiny they rate
Rules written in the ancient code, for profit they create
Underneath the courtroom lights, your fate is on the slate
When you appear, just know it's clear, the captains rule the sea
Your ticket's just a barter slip, in legal tyranny
The judge he pounds the gavel loud, says boy you better pay
To the clerk you must deliver, or in jail you'll stay
Protection comes at a cost here, in this courtroom grand
So hand it over, don't delay, or feel the iron hand
Pay the clerk, avoid the chains, freedom's price today
With lines of code and legal prose, they'll take your rights away
Water pours (pure and liquid)
Currents flow (into banks)
Ancient laws (ever here)
Commerce rules you far and near

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