Is the King James version the best bible version ?

5 months ago

King James version audio bible vest version
Is the King James version the best bible version ?

King James version audio bible vest version Yes because it is the textus receptus . The papacy made other version which are not the original like Latin vulgate . But textus receptus is the same bible as Jesus had because we have the writings of christians in the first century and they qhote bible texts which are the same as we have today . Is the King James version the best bible version ?

King James version audio bible vest version The true bible God promised to keep and preserve God preserved his word but God will not keep people from making false version as i heard a Satanist for fun translated the bible through Satan Or the Jehovah s witness who changed verses in the bible . Is the King James version the best bible version ? God will not keep people from doing that as we are all resposible to search and know what truth us Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us

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