2024-07-10 GESARA Talk Show 236

7 months ago

July 10, 2024, The GESARA Talk Show 236 - Wednesday
Duration: 4:50:40 - Captions in English and German

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Barbara (St. Louis, USA)

00:00:00 Introduction, look back at Wolvie special and our loyal members
00:06:02 Driving a space-ship, or flying car?
00:09:44 Supreme court rules Trump has limited immunity.
00:14:22 Original name for Washington D.C.
00:17:15 Brunsen case already decided. Jan. 6 in D.C.
00:23:17 Dishonouring Ferrets and Liberals….
00:27:30 Derek is still with us…
00:29:12 Med-Bed appointments, nominate 8 people, NDA, holiday
00:36:19 Iraq is ready to go
00:38:50 July will be a month of upheavel.
00:40:31 GESARA News, July 10, 2024
01:05:51 Q&A Section - Barbara and the Doghouse
01:08:39 Jack: Lisa coming home. Star Trek Pizza cutter and discussion - fuel prices
01:29:52 Pat: All UK MP's made an oath to a dead king. All a movie. Get involved with UK local councils
01:45:08 Robert: going to get cash out in case ATM's go down.
02:02:34 Philip: Med Bed and NDA discussion
02:09:12 Kyrki: would like her letter completed. Greek Hebrew discussion
02:30:41 Derek: UK Police wanted to arrest him - video evidence - Mankind taken advantage of as we ARE kind!
03:39:23 Dell: RV progress and more viwers on GESARA show general chat
03:44:25 Mr.Dog: General RV status chat with a few puns
04:08:36 Wrapping up
04:10:50 End.

Getting started on the GESARA Show

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