Trump Kill Bid: Snipers Reorient Moment Before Shooters Fired; 'Secret Service Was Radioed But

4 hours ago

Three new videos from Donald Trump’s July 13 rally seem to have opened Pandora's box. Videos show that sniper teams were facing in the direction of the shooter before he fired. The secret service team 'looked towards the gunman through binoculars and a sniper scope.' Another clip shows attendees near the building where the gunman was positioned, pointing law enforcement to someone on the roof. One minute and 35 seconds before the shooting, while the secret service team’s attention is still focused toward the gunman, a second sniper team, positioned farther south, turns from facing south to north toward the gunman. Secret service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi has said that local police officers radioed agents about a possible suspicious person before Trump came onstage. The question is why the world's one of the best security agencies was late in acting.

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