7 months ago

Repost from 21 June 2024 | Mark Passio (🐦Twitter/X: 👉 https://x.com/markpassio) | The REAL Seven Deadly Sins | This eye-opening presentation will allow many to see the truth of what has been hidden regarding True Morality. Mark details how the true deadly sins have been occulted, and replaced with vices to confuse the understanding of the average human being. In this special presentation given at the 'Freedom Under Natural Law 3 virtual conference', Mark Passio explains the difference between the seven false “deadly sins” as defined by Religion and the REAL Seven Deadly Sins, which are the true transgressions against Natural Law, the Universal Moral Law of the Creator of the Universe.

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——• source:————————————————————
• Mark Passio YT Channel: 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@MarkPassio
• mirror: 👉 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=7+sins+mark+passio

——• Social Media:————————————
• Apple Podcasts: 👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
• Bastyon: 👉 https://bastyon.com/markpassio
• Bitchute: 👉 https://bitchute.com/channel/markpassio
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• YouTube: / whatonearth93

——• My Tidbit:————————
People seem to cluster in ID groups(Script-you-are, Cult-you-are, politics, religion, and an endless plethora of categories). To me, this is all pseudo, the only path toward a solution for our current condition begins with uniting mankind(male and female) by everyone instilling the 7 principles of Natural Law and having the courage and honor to exercise the 8th and hidden principle of 'CARE.'
I opine, that the 'Golden Rule' is not so tough. We are each responsible(born with the ability to respond) it's inherent to our essence of being.
To stand up for what is right, just, and fair, and to keep one's word as their bond is the duty of every man.

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