In Love, At Ease by Yogi Trivedi - Part 108 (Yamsox Live Reading July 16th, 2024)

7 months ago

Reflections on 'In Love, At Ease': Spiritual Wisdom from Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Join us as we delve into heartfelt excerpts from 'In Love, At Ease,' a touching reflection on the life and spiritual wisdom of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. This video highlights moments from a spiritual livestream, sharing playful and profound episodes of Swamishri's life. Witness Swamishri's moments of playfulness, his stern yet loving guidance, and the invaluable spiritual lessons woven into everyday interactions. Authored by Yogi Trivedi, this book presents a roadmap to inner happiness and success through the reflections and accounts of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. The proceeds from this book support tribal education welfare in Poshina, Gujarat.

00:00:00 Swamishri's Playful Moments
00:01:34 Swamiji's Stern Intervention
00:02:30 Playfulness and Spiritual Lessons
00:06:52 Organic Memories with Swamishri

#PramukhSwami #SpiritualWisdom #BAPS #YogiTrivedi #InnerHappiness #SelflessLove #SpiritualJourney #TribalEducation #Gujarat #LifeLessons

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