The Emperor is Bare Energy Vlog

4 hours ago

The Emperor is Bare Energy Vlog title is from the date July 16, 2024 thus t31 which adds to #4 the Emperor card a Divine Male a builder or a tyrant as Biden or those ruining his brand is being lead to their lose of the narrative.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us an amplitude power of 8 at 1:00 AM UTC thus the Magician comes on with a strong spell of protection. The quality is a power of 6 The lovers card with balance love and intuition. The frequency average is 7.87 hertz thus 22 the Fool Card a need to be self aware before taking a leap of faith. Therefore, we can say: The Emperor Builds a Strong home for lovers of America despites the Fools misstep.

Space Weather site showed us a solar wind density was Eight protons per centimeter. the solar wind speed is 400 kilometers per second (KPS). The solar wind temperature was somewhere between 100,000 to 65,000 kelvin.

We pulled a medicine card today was the Buffalo you bring us, The gifts of life, Hear our prayers, Smoke Rising, like Phoenix, We are b reborn, Within the sacred Words.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:

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