Chris Coverdale

3 months ago


After twenty five years work running a behavioural science and engineering consultancy firm and four years investigating fraud and corruption in Government and large Corporations, i became a full time peace activist in 2002 when i discovered that the UK Government had for many decades been deceiving Parliament, HM Military Forces and the public over the illegal criminal nature of war and the funding of war. Having helped to set up Legal Action Against War and Make War History I have had numerous attempts to prevent Britain's leaders and taxpayers from their criminal participation in war, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Since 2017 i have been developing a Lawful Taxation Trust method of paying all taxes (and financial payments to Government) into Trusts on the condition that public authorities can only obtain the money when the Trustee(s) receive proof that none of the money will ever be used for criminal purposes and the Government is acting in full accord with the UN Charter and the UN Declaration on Principles of International Law.

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