
5 months ago

Everyone has a different "Chapter 2" depending on where they grew up. My chapter 2 is feminism. I seen so many lives destroyed by feminist laws with the exception of one person that was in the military at the time and they treat (or at least used to) marriages like its the 1950s.

Recently I had a cousin die due to feminist laws. He had paid all the child support he was told to pay, 10k. But then one of the mothers abandoned the daughter with her mom without his knowledge. She got child support from the government and they choose not to tell him about it until the back pay was so high he couldn't. So they sent him to jail in kentucky. He ended up dying because the refused to let him see a doctor. He had cancer all over his body. My aunt (his mom) is pressing charges against the jail and looking to opening up the child support case too, since he was never notified.

I was never going to start until I could criticize feminism and not get talked over by my own family. I wanted to start this when I was 27, I'm almost 40 now. 80% of my family is women, my mother used to read Gloria Steinem before I was born and followed feminism closely. It was like pulling teeth to get her to see she was wrong. It didn't really happen until Kavanaugh and Trump. She wanted to vote for Hilary in 2016 because that was the first time she would get to vote for a woman president. When we got out of the voting booth she told me she changed her mind at the last minute and voted for Trump.

Since then she's been getting the same vile treatment from the left we all get on facebook.

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