J.M. Barrie Footage Found

5 months ago

Potential footage of Sir J. M. Barrie (1860-1937) popular playwright and author of #PeterPan is presented here. Discovered in film footage of French actress Gaby Deslys (1881-1920) Paris funeral. According to author James Gardiner, "Gaby Desyls had been the lover of princes, the mistress of Gordon Selfridge and the obsession of J. M. Barrie."



James Gardiner, Gaby Delsys: A Fatal Attraction, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gaby-Deslys-Fatal-Attract-Attraction/dp/0283993987

#llewelyndavies #peterllewelyndavis #paris1920s #1920sparis #marseilles #gildedage #gildedagefilm #gildedagefootage #edwardianera #edwardianerafootage #edwardianerafilm #jmbarrieonfilm

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