Adam Kinzinger: We Can’t Be ‘Intimidated Away’ from Telling People that Trump Is a ‘Threat to Democracy’

5 months ago

COLBERT: “Tonight, earlier this evening, President Biden gave an interview on Lester Holt, on the Lester Holt power hour over on NBC, and he expressed in that interview words to the effect of, ‘How do you speak the truth about the authoritarian tendencies of someone without inflaming any side, your side or the other side?’ How do we talk about where we are in this election without crossing the line between free speech and inflammatory rhetoric?
KINZINGER: “This is very important, because what you’re actually going to see right now, and you’re starting to see a little bit on the Republican side, is trying to intimidate those around Joe Biden from telling the truth about Donald Trump. Look, anybody that is rational and sane knows when you say things like, ‘We have to stop Donald Trump’ or ‘Donald Trump is a threat to democracy,’ that we are talking about dealing with that in the political context, not in a violent context. And in case there’s anybody that thinks it’s a violent context, let’s make it very clear now: we are talking about a political context. But what we can’t do, and this is what I get worried about, is that we’re gonna be intimidated away from telling the American people the truth, which is Donald Trump truly is a threat to democracy in this country —
(Cheering and Applause)
>> And we have to stop that, but we stop it at the ballot box.”

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