The View SHOCKS Audience With INSANE Statement About Trump Assassination - These People Are Evil

15 hours ago

GoFundMe For Victims of the Shooting:

As we would all come to expect from Joy Behar and the woke women of The View, the host of the view have the worst take on the attempted assassination of president Donald Trump as they live in a clown world. Joy Behar and the woke women of The View can't even hold back the feelings of Joy Behar and the woke women of The View when it comes to how much Joy Behar and the woke women of The View don't like Trump. Even in this situation Joy Behar and the woke women of The View blame Trump but even worse Joy Behar and the woke women of The View blame white people. It's always about race for Joy Behar and the woke women of The View but even in this scary time for Americans Joy Behar and the woke women of The View find a way to be disgusting. Joy Behar and the woke women of The View always get it wrong and this time wasn't any different for Joy Behar and the woke women of The View as Joy Behar and the woke women of The View are always horrible on The View
#whoopigoldberg #anakasparian #joerogan

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