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News and information for Exceptional Americans. News from the border, California and Texas. New California is growing report.
Please join us as we explore the past and follow the money to understand what is happening to mankind, and our country today.

Last Tuesday our viewers learned about Joe Biden’s Scottish and Irish ancestors and their important contributions to the founding and operation of the transatlantic slave trade. We also explored Jill (Coppa) Jacobs Stevenson Biden and her ties to the self proclaimed Jewish Messiah Jacob Frank the father of Frankism, and her family bloodline of the Italian Mafia (LaCoppa).

Today, we will delve into the Biden Family financial crimes like money laundering, pay for play political transactions, his connections to the New York and Boston mafia’s. Many of the Biden companies appear to be fronts for the Central Intelligence Agency. Our president and his family members have a complex web of shell companies designed to launder money, hide pay-offs, finance illegal operations, and evade taxation.

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