[BUILD TEST #2] "Jack of All Trades" Build (DPS, Snipe, Tank, and Heal) #Gameplay of #Division2 #WZ

7 months ago

This test occurs on the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. This is not a great place for sharpshooters because the Cleaners constantly use rushers with shields. So, this Control Point is nice for testing the overall versatility of the build. Can it switch quickly from being a sniper to DPS to Tanking? And can it dominate enemies in all three modes?

Please note a few things

1) All builds require time and practice. So, I'm still not good with this build. As one can see from the video, I have a hard time getting into a stride with this build due to the enemies' ability to rush your position and send bomb drones.

2) I noticed that I'm not getting consistent one-shot headshot kills on elite enemies. When the Focus buff fully charges, the original build could consistently reach above 9.6 million damage, the level needed to kill everything in one shot. I'll need to check some things.

3) To play this build to its highest potential, a Player needs to get comfortable while playing scoped. A lot of Players (including me!) can find it frustrating.

The build breakdown in this video is complicated and shows the weapon mods being used. All the pieces should be in place to help guarantee one-shot kills on Elite enemies without needing Headhunter. All the pieces also need to be in place for the build to successfully Tank, mainly the TDI Kard pistol with Future Perfect talent combined with the Bulwark Shield. As for DPS, Sleipnir will do IMMENSE damage (without stacking) as long as we aim for the enemies' heads.

Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Sleipnir (w/Mag Size 3rd Attribute, 45% Headshot Dmg scope)
Secondary Weapon: White Death (w/ DTOOC 3rd Attribute, 45% Headshot Dmg scope)
Pistol: TDI "Kard" Custom (w/ +1 Skill Tier, Future Perfect talent)

Mask: Hotshot Mask (Headshot DMG)(Headshot DMG)(Red Core)
Chest: Pristine Example (Headshot DMG)(Headshot DMG)(Weapon Handling)(Red Core)
Holster: Breaking Point (Headshot DMG)
Backpack: NinjaBike Messenger Backpack (Headshot DMG)
Gloves: Habsburg Guard (Headshot Dmg)(Weapon Handling)(Red Core)
Kneepads: Aces & Eights(Headshot Dmg)(Red Core)

Bulwark Shield
Restorer Hive

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