President Trump is the Exchequer for every country on Earth

7 months ago

President Trump is the Exchequer for every country on Earth.
Therefore the assassination attempt was probably with a Trump-actor/double-lookalike . The probability of a staged event remains high.
( Remember i have been giving you DROPS this EVENT was going to happen.. Long before Tucker Carlson stated it could happen. I have mentioned several times this was coming . But the last week's i gave you the full Intel that this event was going to happen <)

So what really happened?

First you must understand the Secret Service always scouts the location days and weeks before the president's arrival the building from which to shooter took the shots was an obvious location and #1 priority to lock down and have police there and secret service use that building to surveillance the perimeter . THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT WHITE BUILDING TOP ROOF WOULD HAVE BEEN LEFT UNATTENDED. ( It was the closest #1 building rooftop for a shooter to use and the police. Secret Service. Military intelligence surveying the area would have noticed days before. Even Secret Service trained snipers who shoot up to 1000 yards knew that building was only 130 yards away and was the perfect place for a sniper to be )

So how did 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks crawl the building with hundreds of people watching him. Video him. Calling police. Screaming to Secret Service that a man on the building has a gun
How did drones , helicopters and thousands of police officers stationed near by not see the sniper in the 5 minutes he crawled the building and set up for the shot.
This includes news helicopters , secret service counter snipers, hundreds of contract Military guards with Intel, and over 3200 Military satellites including USSF sats monitoring the event did not see Thomas Crooks ?

Well like I told you and the recent weeks the white hats were planning to Stage the EVENT for several reasons.. This included beating the CIA in a time frame for a real assassination event.
( The events UNFOLDING of the assassination attempt WILL lead to intelligence CIA agencies operations, connected to Military COUP operations that helped the police and Secret Service stand down and several agencies given orders not to secure the top perimeter of the building )
WIRES>]; Here's what really happened BEHIND THE SCENES>[;
>Thomas Matthew Crooks was already dead before the assassination attempt. White Hats already knew Thomas Crooks was a loner and was already being handled by CIA operations> MK ULTRA ( Just Like Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas shooter ///
It has been proven since the 1960s the CIA created mind control programs to create super killers that kill opposition. From several hearings including Rockefeller committee hearings, The Church Committee hearings and senators and direct CIA testimony that the CIA had mind control operations that started in the 1953.)

White hats Intel were aware that Thomas Crooks was already being used by MK ultra Operations and was going to be placed to help assassinate Trump in the late fall real CIA ops assassination attempt ( Crooks would have been used just like Lee Harvey Oswald and placed the blame on him as a single shooter)
The CIA knew white hats intelligence operations were tracking Thomas Crooks.
So CIA killed Crooks and tried distance them selves from the Mk ultra Ops with Crooks.
> The White Hats got a hold of Thomas Matthews Crooks real body.

On the day of the shooting white hats intentionally had the secret service. Police and intelligence operations monitoring the building to stand down. *. At this moment a fake ACTOR was placed to crawl the building and the STAGED EVENT continued
As snipers MOCKED the killlig of CROOKS<
(Only a few agents part of the military PLANned operations tended the body double of CROOKS and in a few seconds the bodies were switched )

The next part of the story is highly classified information and operations taking place for decades and the operations began in Russia and the U.S. copying the Russian operations in the 1960s... These important intelligence operations created families of spies that included children who turn into teenagers and go into CIA Junior Training academy's and trained in rural areas and villages.
דונלד ג. טראמפ הוא האוצר הראשי של ארה"ב ושל כל מדינה על הפלנטה. האם אדם בעמדה כזאת יחשף כך קמפיינים הומי אדם כשהאויב כה ערמומי וחכם? אם כן מומלץ להבדק באופטומטריסטיה אצל @Blind Freddy.
לטראמפ יש 45+ כפילים ושחקנים במסיכות CIA ובטכנולוגיות קול מתקדמות הוא האדם המוגן ביותר בעולם, ע''י יחידות צבא בסיווג גבוה ביותר, בהרי השיין, המכונה ''אזור 51''.
ומכך גם מבינים שארוע ההתנקשות היה מבויים😶‍🌫️

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