Recurring Heart Issues After Pfizer Shot

7 months ago

07/15/2024 The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI): A victim named Adam shared with the NCI that after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, his heart raced at a rate of 240 beats per minute for 8.5 hours, causing lasting damage to his heart. Additionally, Adam experienced monthly heart attacks for as long as seven months.
#vaccinedisaster #Pfizer #heartattack #lastingdamage #tachycardia
07/15/2024 加拿大国家调查委员会:一位名叫亚当的受害者讲述其在接种辉瑞的新冠疫苗后,心脏以每分钟240次的频率跳动了8.5个小时,给他的心脏造成了持久性损伤。并且在长达七个月的时间里,亚当的心脏病每月都在发作。
#疫苗灾难 #辉瑞疫苗 #心脏病 #持久损伤 #心动过速

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