But As Many As Received Him - Gospel Power Broadcast with Dylan Oakley, 18 July 2024

2 hours ago

"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name..." John 1:12

Tonight I share the Gospel proclamation I made in Queens Park last Saturday in Toowoomba. I also shared a testimony of my dad who received Jesus Christ just before he died.

Encounter Gospel Power with Dylan Oakley every Thursday at 7:00pm AEST. Be sure to tune in for this WEEKLY broadcast to Facebook, X (Twitter), and Rumble.

This ministry is provided free-of-charge thanks to ministry partners. To discover easy ways to contribute financially to this ministry and help SEND Dylan Oakley, simply visit: www.freedomhasavoice.com.au/support

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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley


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