X22 Report-3403-[CB]s Around World Prepare For Fed Rate Cut-Trump Shot By DS Op-Fear Not-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3403a - The [CB]s Around The World Are Now Preparing For The Fed Rate Cut, Right On Schedule

US temp help services jobs have seen negative growth for 20 straight months. Layoffs are continuing and its going to accelerate.[CB] world wide is now preparing for the Fed rate cut. Powell signals that the Fed sees inflation improvement. Right on schedule.  
Ep. 3403b-It Wasn’t A USSS Failure,It Was An Op By The [DS],Next Event,Nation Will Unite Under Trump

The [DS] screwed up, they didn't complete their mission. The USSS was not a failure it was an OP conducted by the [DS] players. This was their only chance and they missed. Now the FBI and the [DS] are regrouping to explain what happened, which means they will hide what happened. Did the [DS] just project the next event. Trump will unite the country in the end. 
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