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Longtime Union Democrat Endorses Trump At The Republican National Convention

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • wow 1986 I was 6 years old. President Trump was already making America great. NYC during the Koch and Dinkins years was horrible. However, that all changed and I am certain President Trump along with Mayor Giuliani completely turned New York around. I was born and raised in the Bronx and manhattan (particularly 8th avenue near port authority) was filled with prostitution, junkies, and God knows what else. I remember my mother used to catch a cab on 7th because she didn’t want me to walk through 8th avenue so I don’t see it. I remember then we would catch the A train uptown when we were going her friend’s house for a visit after work. All of that changed when Mayor Giuliani became Mayor and Donald Trump had so many beautiful buildings that by my teen years I was able to actually take the trains by myself and felt that I was safe (although I exercised my right to keep arms😁). I never needed to use it though and I attribute that to these two great men because as I started digging into their history and 9/11, I realized that they had our best interests at heart and pulled us together at a very devastating moment. God Bless you and America!