192. Eyes - Early Biomarker for Alzheimer's and Neurodegeneration

7 months ago

Dr. Lewis reviews the relationship between eye pathologies and neurodegeneration, including Alzheimer's.
Nuclear Cataract predicts heart disease.
Cortical Cataract Predicts Alzheimer's Disease
Drusen - in macular degeneration - predicts Alzheimer's/dementias
OCT - optical coherence tomography accurately and precisely measures neurodegeneration - portenting brain dysfunction 15 years in advance.

20:00:25 From Wayne : my son and I skied near SLC (e.g. snowbird) and I agree that it was good snow. It was/is better than alps in Austria but I haven't skied in France
20:04:01 From Wayne : measure C-Peptide
20:04:28 From Steve McConnell : small-dense LDL [ApoB] early detection of insulin resistance
20:05:27 From Maura : They are not trained to see type 1 in that age group
20:08:27 From Maura : Everyone should do their MMSE so they know their baseline- it’s online
20:09:43 From Steve McConnell : CKD is a major cause of Dementia/Alzheimer's
20:10:04 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "CKD is a major cause..." with ❤️
20:10:08 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Everyone should do t..." with ❤️
20:10:56 From Maura : https://www.bmc.org/sites/default/files/For_Medical_Professionals/Pediatric_Resources/Pediatrics__MA_Center_for_Sudden_Infant_Death_Syndrome__SIDS_/Modified-Mini-Mental-Exam-MMSE.pdf
20:11:02 From Steve McConnell : desmosterol & lathosterol suppression via statins is implicated in loss of cognition, not cholesterol reedcution
20:12:11 From Martha : Reacted to "CKD is a major cause..." with ❤️
20:12:12 From Martha : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "CKD is a major cause..."
20:12:43 From Martha : Replying to "CKD is a major cause..."

CKD – chronic kidney disease
20:17:56 From leslie : I haven't had a half way decent night of sleep after hearing the demodex mite presentation. I thought I was rubbing my eyes due to allergies but now ???
20:18:26 From Maura : Reacted to "I haven't had a half…" with 😂
20:18:53 From leslie : Reacted to "I haven't had a half..." with 😂
20:18:55 From Electron recycling star dust : Replying to "I haven't had a half..."

might be time for class action lawsuit
20:19:14 From leslie : Removed a 😂 reaction from "I haven't had a half..."
20:19:22 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "might be time for cl..." with ❤️
20:20:49 From - : Any place for Iridology?
20:24:59 From Louise Vogel : Replying to "CKD is a major cause..."

Always appreciate your explanations - thanks!
20:26:20 From Steve McConnell : CKD: Starts w OBESITY = Hypertension + Diabetes + Subclin-hypothyroid
20:26:55 From Steve McConnell : or merely "overweight" 80% to 90% receive their 1st CKD diagnosis @ STAGE-4 !!!
Reason ? Creatinine fails to detect it reliably
Cystatin-C + Albumin:Creatinine Ratio
That's how to catch it earlier
20:28:32 From Steve McConnell : A WAGON WHEEL: CKD is the hub,.. the spokes are HTN, DM, Thyroid, Lp(a), other
Many Causes
20:31:12 From Maura : I heard it’s so bad for optometrists they need to see up to 65 patients a day to make ends meet
20:33:21 From Maura : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amsler_grid
20:33:32 From Louise Vogel : I paid $149 for an OCT 2 years ago in Boston.
20:35:11 From Doris : Hubby and I paid $150 each for OCT
20:36:07 From Electron recycling star dust : Reacted to "or merely "overweigh..." with ❤️
20:37:23 From Maura : I found my retinal damage using the amsler grid - it was not showing on OCT
Micro perimetry was another test that showed damage
Electro diagnostic testing - specialised but was worth its weight in gold
20:40:33 From Maura : Casey eye in Oregon check autoantibodies to retina and optic nerve
20:47:20 From Maura : OCT for me missed all my cystoid macular edema , damage ganglion cells and large central scotoma
I could see it with the amsler grid but that test was was dismissed by eye doctors
20:48:10 From Electron recycling star dust : Reacted to "OCT for me missed al..." with 😮
20:49:56 From Doris : Dr. Lewis and Dr Carter, when you speak, we listen!
20:50:24 From Wayne : Reacted to "Dr. Lewis and Dr Car..." with ❤️
20:52:57 From Martha : Related to what Joel Peterson is saying – Interestingly, “groups of doctors” are “gathered together” in “hospitals.” But there do not tend to be “groups of optometrists / ophthalmologists” “gathered together” anywhere!! They tend to operate more “solo”!!
20:53:20 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Related to what Joel..." with ❤️
20:53:54 From Matt Pearson : Dr. Carter, great point. The OCT can act as that visual cue to motivate the patient "engage" and get into the funnel.
20:54:14 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr. Carter, great po..." with ❤️
20:55:43 From Martha : Sometimes psychiatric patients only take something seriously if they see that the well-known MMPI (Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory) that they have taken DEMONSTRATES that they have “psychiatric issues”!
20:56:02 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Sometimes psychiatri..." with ❤️
20:56:02 From Martha : Multiphasic
20:58:27 From Maura : Heard from a number of ophthalmologists that they don’t tell patients they have cataracts - they wait - seems to be a standard practice
21:00:09 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Sometimes psychiatri..."

Like lipoproteins [ApoB, Lp(a), etc.] on colorized labs, vs LDL
21:00:10 From Maura : Binocular vision
21:00:27 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Sometimes psychiatri..."

low motivation w LDL
21:00:32 From Martha : Reacted to "Binocular vision" with 👍
21:01:37 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Sometimes psychiatri..."

When confronted w "Reality", ApoB,.. VERY motivated
21:05:21 From Maura : Are there any studies on the Eye microbiome
21:07:42 From Steve McConnell : Methylfolate, may help with cognitive decline and dementia.
21:08:03 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Are there any studie..." with ❤️
21:08:03 From Martha : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

and methylcobalamin too?
21:08:09 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "and methylcobalamin ..." with ❤️
21:08:13 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Methylfolate, may he..." with ❤️
21:08:28 From Maura : A good number of eye diseases without a root cause - What about cataracts as a result of low grade inflammation from chronic infections from parasites like demodex
21:09:28 From Martha : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

especially important if you have the MTHFR (“mother-fucker”) polymorphism – whether heterozygous or homozygous
21:10:46 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

Yes VitB2 [riboflavin] decreases SBP 8-12mmHg in the 677-TT's
21:10:57 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

Like myself
21:10:58 From Tina To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Tom, I removed cataracts at age 73 and I am not 84. What's my prognosis:)
21:11:19 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

homozygous, brother too
21:11:34 From Martha : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

doggone it…
21:12:36 From Joel B Peterson : He needs Protein, which will build liver, and pancreas
21:12:48 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

21:13:30 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

21:14:14 From Steve McConnell : Replying to "Methylfolate, may he..."

Amazing 25 year follow up, Univ. of Ulster
21:18:12 From Maura : The titanic is going down - allopaths still on top deck listening to the music
21:19:00 From Doris : We are truly blessed to take in the information and we do take the time to meditate and discern what you say, And you know, I will ask questions. I will email and get more info wen needed. We love HRP!!!!
21:19:16 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : https://www.itavministry.org/the-doctors-are-in
21:19:36 From Maura : Reacted to "We are truly blessed…" with ❤️
21:20:14 From Maura : https://x.com/RealEddieHobbs/status/1810376291717148994#m
21:20:39 From Maura : Prof Francis Boyle interview 👆
21:27:48 From Rosie : When someone has small cataracts for 3-4 years, what additional tests do you recommend?
21:28:26 From Maura : Louis Pasteur the father of the germ theory lie, vaccines and pasteurization.
It is claimed that in his deathbed that he admitted to be a fraud. His fraudulent findings became the ultimate cash cow that made Big Pharma what it is today.

Indeed, Pasteur was a fraud, not even a doctor, he was paid by Rothschild already to discredit Antoine Bechamp, a genius doctor, pharmacist and chemist who destroyed the germ theory of Pasteur to introduce the factual Terrain Theory.
21:29:06 From Maura : https://www.amazon.com/Bechamp-Pasteur-Chapter-History-Biology/dp/1467900125/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FKLFN2O6D5M1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.51ZC5AS3OdYMXlyWzBWwwPtnH5rIryHnP_VrGZEU7c_FLoYyLJN3xzbN0CMtLizPOzB08I-pUHn0HYQKYgf22ycalec9xQR9SrJ3EqHxVE9GSUhCJtaebRWR9_Jvi22yHEUKHJJtEOv_6b5ax_Tr9v2LOWU8hllX99-_KuDP0R0lee8rq3RIAf7YXCpVGNjsRINdXx6YQLD0o9feegY2ewC3S1I7s9IyM2bcLe9xNng.JkD7mIwOhK9KXneUcr3646KtoqN6VbSmo5G4KiJNwNw&dib_tag=se&keywords=Pasteur&qid=1720661333&sprefix=pasteur%2Caps%2C461&sr=8-1
21:29:10 From Steve McConnell : Gotta scoot TTYL everyone
21:29:22 From Electron recycling star dust : Reacted to "Gotta scoot TTYL eve..." with ❤️
21:31:53 From Martha : Replying to "Louis Pasteur the fa..."

The major “avenue” at Harvard Medical School is “Avenue Louis Pasteur.”
21:32:12 From Donna : Thank you, Dr. Lewis.

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