Angelic Humans and The way back home

3 months ago

Earth is the current home of the Angelic Human species.

She has been infiltrated by an invasive species that has placed all life out of harmony by tampering with the ecosystem itself and tweaking the home species to serve the invasive species.

When anything exists in balance and harmony it emanates joy. Dissonance wreaks havoc. This is why our world is in such chaos.

The greatest imbalance that tore our ecosystem apart was that of separation, for in oneness all things coexist in harmony. The list of forced separations is long:

We were forced to believe that we are separate from our Source and that God could only be reached through the channels of our invasive species or did not exist at all, or existed as the one who did a big bang thang and from there all life suddenly sprang.

We were literally separated from the Earth herself by a synthetic system of manic materialism that was built around us to keep us from being one with our Earth. (See the End of Religion)

We were separated from the Aethers by being told that science has proved that the Aether does not exist. This was the source of all free energy before it was monetized and weaponized.

Male and female were pitted against one another so we could never harmonically co-create as was originally intended. (The male was designated as the worker and the female as the breeder.)

Over many centuries an eagerly enforced and painstaking application of indoctrination was refined for mass consumption:
We were directed by Academentia to believe the ways of the world were the correct and ONLY way to conduct our lives based on the peer-approved teachings of all disciplines of study.These included religion, biology, science, history, geography, language, mathematics, economics, socio-political systems and the cultural arts.
Oh, and nary a whisper of our Galactic History was ever muttered by the founders of these institutions.

These standards were set in stone without the contribution of the Indigenous peoples, women were allowed partial input only if they underlined the status quo of the Patriarchal Worldwide Academy. Thus was over half the world’s minds excluded from contributing to our natural evolution.

Our bodies were invaded on a cellular level where our DNA was altered in order to make us a submissive species with no autonomy. Our Earth was poisoned to a degree whereby she has been forced to vacate this destructive timeline and start anew along with all who have readied themselves to go with her.

We were even separated from our own bodies too! We were successfully convinced by “medical experts” the very spawn of Academentia, to maintain ongoing surveillance by submitting our human vessels to the absolute trust of the invading specie’s protocols. Today these invasive practices and experiments upon us are enacted on the nano level of infiltration employing organoid intelligence and techno-interference.

The damaged ecosystem of our Earth and our sacred bodies has fomented irreversible damage and consequently misery as all aspects of organic life are now out of alignment. Our once thriving ecosystem hangs by mere threads of connection to the original divine system. The only escape route before those threads finally snap is ascension back into the perfect world we originated from. No different from a run down shack in so much disrepair that it is beyond redemption.

Now we have a chance at complete redemption! So how is this possible if the world is such a mess you may ask?

It seems insurmountable but if we simply counteract the divisive policies and false teachings in place now, we begin to shift the system and lean it gently on our shoulders to carry forward.

Number one of course is practicing Unity Consciousness which at once denies all the separations that have have worked thus far. (See my video on Unity Consciousness for more info.)

A close second in the column under “Remedies” is to divest your precious creative currency from the oppressive system. When one does this they discover who they really are.

How does that happen?

Well once you break the tethers from a system the merely uses you for its own agenda you realize that you have been in a an abusive relationship very similar to one where one partner sucks the other partner dry with their needs and demands. It’s really as simple as that.

Upon leaving this relationship you are free to pursue your own interests whatever they may be as long as they do no harm. As you progress along the way you will now be guided by the wisdom of the cosmos working with you on behalf of Prime Creator Source.

You will magically lose all fear as your passion to BE who YOU really are overrides the state fear by default. This step leads you to the absolute joy of “Service to Others, rather than “Service to Self and the bliss of life’s existence only accelerates from there.

How does THAT happen?

Well we have been severely indoctrinated to work within the bounds of materialism to the point where all we do is figure out our next move to pay the piper. This is what is consuming all our precious creative currency!

Another thing we have not been told is that it is our destiny as Angelic Humans to return to our original enlightened selves with all our DNA intact and the ability to use the other 97% of our brains, as we were once long ago meddled with, on a cellular level in order to make us the slaves we are today! But that is a story for another time.

When we return to our original state of being it will be game over for the invasive species as they have no creativity abilities whatsoever, which is why they feed off us and our creativity in order to accomplish their grand mission of taking over and destroying the Earth, which they almost accomplished! (See my video, Futuring Part two where Dave Emery explains the the Nomi Code).

Many of us have realized by now that the behemoth that the medical industry is, is really a population control mechanism keeping us sick in order to sell us their synthetic poisonous merchandise.,

The good news is though, that frequency healing requiring no surgery is right around the corner and we will no longer need to identify with our doctors as our saviors. The future will be all about healers and healing rather than patching up symptoms with harmful inorganic petroleum based compounds. There will no longer be the need for cutting into flesh with knives and lasers to augment what God already made perfect.

We are also looking at our carbon-based bodies becoming crystalline/silica with the advent of ascension, that alone will change our existence to such a degree that we will be living in a whole new paradigm.

The Celestial chambers that are coming can actually change our bodies from the 666 carbon based structure, (6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons) to silica which will enable us to live a thousand years! We have learned that the re-encryption of our DNA can be upgraded through photonic light. With the the Celestial Chambers we no longer have to wait for the sun and time to upgrade us! It is possible now, but we have to be mentally and physically and spiritually ready. THIS is what we are preparing for now, in the long run, I call it Futuring, see my videos on Futuring.

But first it is imperative that we start seeing the master plan in our midst to prevent this very ascension knocking on the door of our souls. Everything we learn or read about that is published en-masse is to KEEP us in evolutionary stasis. THAT means everything we learn from their institutions is designed to keep us in a state of forgetting and not remembering who we really are.

This is exactly why I call academia Academentia. It is making sure that any high frequency teachings are suppressed and labelled nonsense and woo woo to maintain the status quo of supreme control over Angelic Humans. All information regarding what we have been taught about biology, geography, science, history, language, mathematics, economics, socio-political systems, art and culture must now be parsed to reveal the patterns within that hold us back from our organic evolutionary process. Every day people all over the world are doing exactly that and sharing their discoveries as a service to all of us. Together we are discarding formal, official narratives and relying now on our collective intuition to find truth. We have surpassed the place where it is necessary to enroll in the established institutions to legitimize our purpose and existence, and when we don’t it could even save our lives!

Just observe, if you will, the willingness of the students of Academentia to prostrate themselves before the “science” behind the remedy for the invented theater that was Covidiocy.

We must also learn to stand against our local bureaucrats and all their malicious, ruthless, nonsensical laws, statutes, mandates and coding systems used to enforce ways to steal our hard earned wealth. Their greatest control tool is money. We are now called to drain them of THEIR resources in as many creative ways as is humanly and supernaturally possible using OUR superior form of currency: Our CREATIVE currency!

…And these are just the first baby steps toward our redemption, but they must be taken now in order to propel us forward into the New Earth because it cannot be done FOR us.

Ascension requires our participation on a level of vigilance since unknown. The rewards I tell ya, will be worth the effort! So start racking the 3% of your brain that you still have left to get us Angelic Humans into the place of joy in oneness whose time has finally arrived to be fulfilled. Wars and everything related to them are perverse, Risk everything for Peace on Earth! Let’s show Prime Creator Source we mean it by our actions even if it means collapsing the entire system. It will be the sweetest rebirth ever witnessed by the cosmos and believe me they are waiting with baited breath for the greatest show in our galactic history.

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