i no longer have a sweet tooth (too much neuroplasticity)

7 months ago

the bunny won't get offended cos it ain't black
i call this grassing actually haha
the fake moon is still real purty
good to do stuff that raises yer vibrational frequency n releases endorphins
it's good for me to socialize even tho i don't wanna
unfortunately thelonious (car) is sick again
apparently this is a common issue w/ bmw
i called eurofix n it's in the shop now (i had to get it towed over there cos it was smoking when i last looked at it)
sumin tells me that it ain't gonna be cheap
"covid" destroyed my hypochondria
i am paranoid about everything BUT a virus made in a lab
i was sick for like a day maybe three x in the past 4yrs
i treat my body pretty well aside from the occasional impulse
i have to force myself to eat eggs
too many donuts during coffee hour
technically the Blessed bread is a mystery
i won't ever forsake eating Holy bread but regular bread maybe
the jokes about being asexual aren't just jokes
mental illness is why i'm alone not feminism
most women seem to have a cluster B personality disorder
everywhere it's still high school
if you have to get it on stage, you will never get it
i can tell that these colleagues of mine really really want it
smokin hot redhead in a wheel chair that has a lotta talent n dark sense of humor
if she were more conservative she'd have a lotta jokes about how her disability is an opportunity for the booking agent to gain woke points
if she could literally stand up she probably wouldn't be as much of an asset
i still want you to succeed even if you hate my guts
you won't stop being insecure all cos you get more stage time
i understand the lie that is the audience
i love my jokes regardless of how the audience feels about em
comedy is not the same cos authenticity is out
they can't use me the way they can use other comics haha
i can talk about way more if i use their language
i don't want uptight Christians, sorry they're just words
people that have a smartphone don't seem to mind wasting time
nevermind do whatever you want haha
not my fans!
wandering around the grassy area of an optometrist's office...CLASSIC ag
i got another camcorder that's got night vision
it was pretty cheap for all the features on it
i still love you canon camcorder, you are not being replaced!
everything attached to me has feelings
yes my life is somewhat satirical
i am still doing the piano punk cos i think it's important
if it represents my humanity then i won't refuse to put it up
most of these people don't try, they just wanna fuss at you
ooooh i just saw a skunk, glad it didn't see me

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