Shy (Season 2) Episode 3 - Kokoro no Yaiba (English Subbed)

5 hours ago

Shy (Season 2) Episode 3 - Kokoro no Yaiba (English Subbed)

[Erai-raws] Shy 2nd Season - 03 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle][852F0EC2].1080

ehhhhhhh,I don't know guys,so far this season has been getting off to a rocky Start,now yes,this season defentially has more potential than Season 1's disapointment,but when you constantly introduce Nonsensical "Slice of Life" Fluff like this,than thats where it shows how Wasted this 2nd Season's Potential is so far:

Ok,so lets back up here for just a sec! this Runaway Ninja Girl Princess Ai Tennoji has some Kind of troubled Past with Family issues shes dealing with in her Home villiage right,she goes on and on by how she's "OMG,I'm being stalked by this Male Ninja from my Home villiage,I need your assistance Teru-San!!!!!!"but the way they try to come off of this is just retarded,and it doesn't help matters much Either on how we constantly get nonsensical Cringe Comedy like this where she outright rudely forces her way to Live with Teru without consulting Teru's feelings first,which makes it hard to beleive to have any synphony towards this Obnoxious Ninja Princess Girl

And of course heh......Teru has difficulty Orderning Take-Out Food/Pizza over the Phone,so Ai-Chan takes pleasures for herself to cook them Dinner for the Night!

I Mean,I do like the Premise that Season 2's Key Story arc is a Ninja Story,but the way they're handeling this current arc so far has alot of badly done executed Cringe Comedy and Wasted potential so far

However,we do learn by the end of this episode,that another Ninja Girl named Utsuro Chan is After Ai!

ehhhhhh,but we'll see how this all plays out in Future Episodes to come by!

anyways,This Week's Episode is adapted from Chapters 34 and 35 from the Manga Version

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