EF Racing CSR2 - ѺѶĒŘ Ω ҜȈȽȽ Back in the top 20 and I recorded it. Evorara Showdownn

7 months ago

44th to 16th: Sounds easy doesn’t it?
Includes some F&F scenes to make it less boring.
Each race has a reason, watch the text on the screen. Might debunk some some suspicion about the whole SD and confirm others.

When I stop recording after races I walk away for 5 minutes, maybe more, go smoke some weed! I’m in Cali it’s legal so 🖕 🤣

Those who don’t typically race at the top of the LB for whatever reason, don’t have the car, etc thought I’d share this whole experience people go through.

YT kept fighting me on the music so sorry about the elevator crap. I'lll find more I've exhaustedausted VLLO.

Let me know if you joyed this one, if not I’ll keep to my quick shift/tunes. This is hard enough to do and even harder to record.

If you’re counting trophies I did remove about 5 wins, 1 -50 glitch on me, and 1 or 2 losses. They just had no purpose and made it too long. I ran out of disk space making it as it was.


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