The powers that be are not “after” Trump. Wake the fuck up, he is them. B L A K E L E Y™℠©® LLC

7 months ago

The powers that be are not “after” Trump. Wake the fuck up, he is them.

also the melted brain take of people being like oh it's actually the political elites that are trying to take him out. why? why would they need to? he did everything they wanted. like can we please unpack this? why would the elite establishment want to take him out? what did he ever do to upset the apple cart? nothing. he didn't pardon julian assange. in fact his administration tried to assassinate assange. he went into office and on day one ripped up the iran deal because the israeli regime told him to. he did everything israel told him to do. ah yes i'm sure netanyahu was very intimidated by him considering he did everything he wanted him to. including moving the embassy to jerusalem because his billionaire sugar daddy told him to. his only accomplishment legislatively was tax cuts for that same elite you guys think are after him and for corporations. he never released the jfk or 9-11 files. he stacked his nlrb with union busters. he hired the epstein guy to be his labor secretary. like you guys talk about the powers that be as if they're threatened by him. oh no we can't let trump win. he might deregulate wall street further for the banks. all he does is culture war bullshit. he threatens no power center. if he did he wouldn't have people like ackman and musk and adelson supporting him. call me when you've woken up

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