X22 Report-3401-One Country Following CB-One Not-Trump Traps DS In Guard Vote-Checkmate-Ad Free!

4 hours ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3401a - One Country Following The [CB], One Country Is Not, Wait For It

Retail jobs fell by 9000 in June. Consumer sentiment is declining, Americans are behind on their credit card bills. Interest on the US debt is at an all time high. German dumps Bitcoin, El Salvador purchases Bitcoin, lets see what happens.
Ep. 3401b - Change Of Batter Countdown Has Begun, Trump Traps The [DS] In Guard The Vote, Checkmate

 Biden had his press conference. It was just enough to push the process forward of removing him. The change of batter countdown has begun. The major players will make him the nominee and then remove him. Biden says the delegates can vote for whoever they want, it's not that simple and he knows this. Trump has now trapped the [DS] with the Save Act. No matter which way they go they don't win, pass it they are trapped, they will delay the election.If they don't pass it, the election will be to big to rig. 
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