FRANKENSKIES (2017) full movie "Directors Cut"

7 months ago

An 80-minute socially relevant film called FrankenSkies explores how the solar geoengineering/chemtrail agenda impacts all life on Earth. This awakening truth feature embodies the battle to raise consciousness of this issue in spite of the challenges posed by influential people and the military industrial complex with its vast resources. The video exposes the drive to normalize chemical cloud seeding through atmospheric aerosol dispersals, and it does it in an incredibly timely and eye-opening manner. Against a timeline for normalization that includes a censored media and a politically and educationally indoctrinated system, protestors pose the question, "Is your silence your consent?" The story of this startlingly informative film about climate engineering, frequency control, and CIA manipulation unfolds through a timeline of historical human experimentation, leading us to a contemporary laboratory that controls the timing and location of the sun's appearance.

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