☆J13☆ Multiple Shooters and A Stand Down? Or Is This Just A Hoax?

7 months ago

The Biggest Hoax Since 911

Trump Assassination Hoax

Operation Big Red Arrow 


Trump Psyop 


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Multiple Shooters and a stand down? Or is this just a complete hoax?

Secret Service counter sniper kills shooter. Sniper facing in wrong direction of bullet captured in picture. Picture of bullet coming from behind Trump, yet video footage shows counter sniper killing shooter from a forward shot.

Trump Shooter Theory
Now we know the shooter was a literal Jewish patsy with connections to US Army Psyops.

What if the shooter was a patsy who was supposed to be able to get away, go through trial, then get a new identity after disappearing in the jail system and/or the Jack Ruby treatment? Meaning: there was a second professional shooter.
This explains the iron sights problem. No, the patsy was not firing real bullets. A second professional shooter meant to get Trump was involved, but a pro can't be the patsy, obviously. A relatively simple combination.

What happened was, like 9/11 and many other psyops, it was a sloppy job.

1) The cop agitated the patsy
2) The "real" shooter knew that the patsy was compromised and had only moments to shoot, understanding that the patsy would not likely live.
3) The patsy was "supposed" to live, but at the same time the crowd wasn't supposed to notice him. So there were SS and PD eyes on the patsy with the "do nothing, we're investigating" line as the only thing holding them back.
4) When the cop broke orders to mess with the patsy, the whole op was compromised as many eyes were on the patsy.
5) The "real" shooter had moments to act. The patsy was now certainly going to be shot (probably told everyone was in on it, when they weren't). Any shots after the patsy fires will obviously prove the existence of a second shooter. In all likelihood, the second shooter was under the roof of the building aiming through a hole.
6) Thus, the real shooter takes a hasty professional shot an just barely misses Trump and then has to stop.
7) SS didn't know but leadership did and they delayed with the "we're investigating do nothing" command. They took so long to release info because they had a botched op and had to make sure there was good info hygiene on it all.

The plan was probably to use Trump's death to conduct agitprop, fake right wing violence, to justify a Biden martial law to semi-cancel the election.

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