Family Ties: Siblings on Love and Relationships l You Heard What I Said l EP 39 #podcast #trending

7 months ago

I made it yall'! It took me a minute to get there and my anxiety about flying was somewhat high but I pushed through and I'm so elated to be in the same city as my older brother. After being anxious for a couple of days prior, I was so relieved to have a great flight. I did good! Now once we stop cheesing, we'll get into these topics. So get your drink ready and toast with us as we begin another episode of the You Heard What I Said Podcast.

After catching up with the family and having an amazing time, Kion and I were able to record one episode literally hours before my flight took off! Todays questions comes from "Tonight's Conversation The Card Game. The questions they pose are thought provoking questions that will have you evaluating yourself and your relationship; which will ultimately give you clarity on who you are as a person, in a relationship and the things you can work on to allow yourself to grow. Kion and I shared our perspectives on these relationship questions, and I'm curious to know all of your responses. These questions allows for self reflection and growth, and we're here for all of it!

Don’t forget, Kion and I have some great new ventures that we are super excited to share with all of you. Welcome to You Heard What I Said White Noise now on Rumble and coming soon to our YouTube page. Also, stay tuned as we have more exciting features, possible spin-offs (we'll see) coming as we continue to grow our channel.

Join in on the fun and comment your responses regarding these relationship questions! We are more than happy to hear from all of you! If you have a question for one of us, feel free to share on our page. As always, these are our personal experiences that we’re sharing with everyone! We aim to bring light, laughter, and fun to every episode. Just two siblings seeking to bring joy and enlightenment to every viewer.

Topic #1: Relationship Questions
#Viral #FYP #Trending #Travel #Siblings #SameSpace #GoodEnergy #GetYourDrinkReady #Outside #TonightsConversationTheCardGame #Relationship #Love #BeYourself #Acceptance #LoveYourself #Value #Lies #Laughter #Thankful #40PlusClub #Outtakes #HardKnockOnTheBeat #YouKnowYouKnow #YouHeardWhatISaid #Kion #Precious #Podcast
Watch episodes on YouTube:
Listen on Spotify: You heard what I said podcast
Follow Kion on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @kionsaid37
Follow Precious on Instagram & Snapchat: @precioussaid888

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