
8 months ago

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Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
9th of July 2024 01.12

Oh Denmark, your so-called King and Queen of Denmark will soon be exposed. I, The Lord of Host, says it is checkmate with your games. What happened to Mary is the sign of the protection is gone. You will no longer keep your facade to the inhabitants of Denmark. You are not recognized by Me in the throne room. The trafficking that you have made with the children will not go unpunished. I have heard the cries of the innocent and the unborn babies in the wombs. I have now stripped you from the power you once had.

The fire is unusual, the weather is unusual, the month is unusual. More exposure is about to be seen from the entertainment industry. Martin Brygman is just the beginning. More exposure will be flooding the news media like never before.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Your time is up because you have poke Me in My eyes. You have touched My Israel with disgusting dirty deals behind closed doors against My covenant people Israel. Lars Løkke Rasmussen, I have not forgotten about what you did at the Marrakech.

Mette Frederiksen, Søren Brostrøm, Magnus Heunicke and many more I AM taking the Government down.

Oh Denmark, your system, your Babylonian system will be taken down by Me. All the data of the citizens will be erased by Me. The shaking has just begun.

The banksystem will go down, big Pharma, big corporations and those who are connected to the freemasonry will be taken down. In all the places of Denmark where the old serpent is will be exposed.

The narrative of what the Government has done to its inhabitants will be exposed. Your abysses, your gross darkness will be exposed and you will be surprised by who did this to you Oh Denmark.

My Remnant, My Beloved Bride I have not forgotten You. I remember You and I will come speedily with vengeance.

Very soon You will rise and shine. I will shower You with My favor and blessings in unprecedented ways. Let the song of praise go before You and watch My hand wipe out the enemies camp. My glory, My glory, My glory will fill the Earth.

Even though you are a little of statue, Oh Denmark, your fire hasn't gone out. The prayers of the Remnants have been heard, says the Lord of Host and the greatest Harvest is at the doorsteps.

Daniel 2, 21 Removes Kings - set up Kings
Matthew 18, 6 Millstone hung on the neck
Zechariah 2, 8 Apples of his eyes.
Matthew 24, 4-8 Birth pangs
Revelation 18 Fallen is Babylon
Isaiah 61, 2 the vengeance is mine
Matthew 9, 35-38 The harvest is plentiful, the laborers few.

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