CSR2 - Over Kill - Custom EF Cars: How I make them

7 months ago

I thought I would kick off my modding series with what I'm best known for, EF (Extra Fusion, usually 153 fusions) cars which are usually custom. This is nsb editing, I do not use any Api (Game Guardian) App/Menu/Shit. Just a JB device to get the files, CSRPacker to decode them, and Notepad++ to edit.

If you can open your nsb you can follow this advanced guide you can make a custom EF car that can later be copied to other files just leave out the cmlv. Examples of my EF cars will be uploaded to my github starting with the Lamborghini Silhouette Huracan on the shift and tune future videos.

Xaber - Mechanic Services:


How to mod CSR2 tutorial series starts with this episode and will follow with the steps to get here. I will start doing some CSR2 beginner nsb/scb editing tutorials that are more descriptive.

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