In Love, At Ease by Yogi Trivedi - Part 107 (Yamsox Live Reading July 14th, 2024)

2 months ago

In Love, At Ease: Lessons from Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Join us in this heartfelt spiritual journey as we delve into 'In Love, At Ease,' a book by Yogi Trivedi that explores the life and teachings of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Through intimate reflections and personal anecdotes, discover the timeless spiritual values of selfless love, humility, and inclusiveness that Swamishri personified. Whether it's a lesson in laughter or profound spiritual insights, each chapter brings you closer to understanding the essence of being at ease in this turbulent world. Proceeds from the book support tribal education welfare in Poshina, Gujarat, making this not just a spiritual journey but also a humanitarian endeavor.

00:00:00 Being at Ease Like Swamishri
00:00:46 A Lesson in Laughter and Ease
00:05:14 Swamishri's Playful Spiritual Teachings
00:08:01 Swamishri's Playful Lesson

#SpiritualJourney #PramukhSwami #InLoveAtEase #SelflessLove #Humility #SpiritualWisdom #YogiTrivedi #TribalEducation #Philanthropy #InnerPeace

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