Introducing Grant May, Project 2025, & the RNC - Mondays w/ Grant May - Ep. 52

8 months ago

Today, the Counteract Podcast is thrilled to announce our newest contributor, Grant May!

Grant discusses Project 2025, the new RNC platform, and a call to action for Christians in light of the upcoming election.

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
Luke 12:48 ESV

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MENTIONS: the presidential debate, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, chocolate chocolate chip ice cream, Counteract USA, George Soros, Overton window, 2030, Republicans, Democrats, the Heritage Foundation, self governance, borders, we the people

*Any views or comments expressed in this episode regarding candidates reflect the personal views of Grant May, and do not reflect or represent the non-partisan position of Counteract USA, Inc.*

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