Dr. Steven Greer – The Power of Consciousness – The Big Secret

3 hours ago

“They” know that Consciousness is the Magical Key to changing the world so they try to control us and dumb us down as much as possible.

It is an open secret in the intelligence community.

If people really understood the power of consciousness and mass consciousness we would be able to completely change the direction of this planet and the dark ones would fade away from all the light that consciousness generates.

There is a resonate effect that occurs with mass consciousness, magical things begin to happen, things transform from dark to light.

This is how we can shift the entire civilization on this planet and it only takes a very small percentage of people to do this.

With mass consciousness occurs, that is when manifestation occurs very quickly and desirable outcomes occur.

I believe this to be 100% true as the key to manifestation the reality that we want and not the dumbed down controlled reality matrix that we are stuck in at the moment.

I believe people are waking up and it is beginning to happen right now.

Source: Original Source no longer available as their TikTok was deleted but this is from Dr. Steven Greer and his Youtube Channel is -- https://www.youtube.com/@DrStevenGreer55


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Thank You!!

END. 7/16/2024 – 3:00 PM

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