Rahan. Episode One hundred and Two. By Roger Lecureux. To Avenge Rahan! A Puke (TM) Comic.

4 hours ago



Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.

Episode One hundred and Two.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

To Avenge Rahan!

As soon as the tragic news of the death of Rahan spread, killed by the sorcerer Handdak during a fight on the sacred dolmen, anger seized the closest clans.

Hadko and his people, who returned to their territory after having spread this news, were going to face the vengeful fury of the river clan.

These are the cowards who let Rahan die! They must die too!
Weakened by drugs, Hadko's men were easily captured.

Once again they recounted what they had seen.
The duel on the sacred dolmen.
Rahan falling under the arrows of their sorcerer.

Page Two.

Handdak piercing Rahan's heart with several spear blows.
So many details which further inflamed the avengers of the son of Crao!

Rahan was the most loyal, the most generous of hunters!
And you did nothing to prevent this crime! You are Handdak's accomplices!

Rahan died at dawn, you say? Well, we will wait until dawn to avenge him! You will be burned to death! All! All!

All? The chief of the river clan was unaware that Hadko had managed to escape his men.
Burnt alive! And they allow themselves to be led to this pit like animals!

Hadko's companions, in fact, allowed themselves to be pushed into a deep pit without reacting.
Rahan will be avenged! The river clan swears by it!

Our revenge will be as brutal, as violent as the wrath of heaven!
A lance of fire had just streaked through the clouds. Thunder rumbled.

Page Three.

A large thunderstorm began to crackle, lashing Hadko who was fleeing towards his territory.
Hadko is running out of breath. He has lost his former vigor.

Handdak's potions have devoured his strength!
For the first time the man had became aware of the harmful effects of the drug.

At the same moment, Handdak-the-sorcerer was meditating while taking refugee under the sacred dolmen. He smiled strangely as he thought of the son of Crao lying on that slab.

The rain, which increased in violence, lashed Rahan's body.
And suddenly. Suddenly.


This body began to quiver!
At first there was an imperceptible twitching of the muscles.

The rain stung and harassed.
And then.

Page Four.

The eyes half opened.
The gaze rested without seeing, on the ivory knife in his clenched hands.

Where is Handdak? Where is the Clan? How did Rahan arrive here!?
The son of Crao still felt numb.
But he could hear himself speaking. He thought so he lived!

The surroundings of the sacred dolmen were deserted, as was the village at the foot of the hill.
What happened to the clan?
How many days, how many nights did Rahan sleep!?

Rahan remembered his fight with Handdak.
The period of the sorcerer shooting him a poisoned arrow.

Then he felt like he was sinking into an endless abyss.

Rahan was therefore at the mercy of Handdak!
Why did Handdak not finish him?
The son of Crao felt no pain and his body bore no wounds, no injuries! It was then that a howl of fear resounded at the foot of the hill.

Rahan is alive! Rahan has returned from the “Territory of the shadows!”

Page Five.

But it is too late!
All our people will perish at dawn, massacred by those of the river who want to avenge “Fire Hair!”
Hadko staggered up the hill to the dolmen.

As the sorcerer fled, Rahan jumped close to him.
What does all this mean, Handdak? Why do those of the river want to avenge Rahan!?

Because they think you are dead!
Everyone thinks you are dead!
Rahan does not understand any of this! Explain yourself Handdak!
Explain yourself!

The sorcerer had a sad smile.
I never wanted, nor even wished for your death, Rahan! But I wanted to preserve my authority among my people.

Do you remember our first meeting, when Hadko thought he saw me killing the "Goraks" when it was you who were killing them?

It was because I had experimented with a new drug on him!
A drug that allows me to impose my will on those who absorb it and make them see things that are not there!

Page Six.

The night before our duel I offered this drug to all the members of the clan.
I put the whole clan under hypnosis.

During our duel, after one of my arrows had put you to sleep, I convinced the clan that I was going to finish you off!

And everyone thought they saw my arrows pierce your chest and stomach. Everyone thought they saw my spear plunge into your heart!

For them, I was now the one who had loyally triumphed over Rahan-the-brave!
They could go and spread the news of the death of “Fire hair!” everywhere.
While I waited here for you to wake up!

And thanks to your cursed drugs we were too weakened to resist those from the river!
And at dawn all our people will be burned alive!

If those on the river see that Rahan is still alive, they will have no reason to avenge him! But will Rahan arrive in time!?
The son of Crao was already descending the hill towards the forest.

Page Seven.

The storm had stopped, but the clouds still obscured the moon.
The path of the “Four Hands” is too perilous!
Rahan will save time using the river.

A moment later he let himself be carried away by the river which had swelled with torrential rain.
The dawn will come soon! May Rahan arrive in time to prevent this horrible revenge!

The darkness dissipated slowly.
And suddenly.
Oh, Rahan remembers.
The eddies carried him towards this dam, the idea of which he had once given to those of the river.

As the sky rose, he heard the avenging clamors in the distance.
Too late! Rahan can do nothing more for these unfortunate men!

Down there, those from the river surrounded the great pit where the drugged clan was piled up listlessly.
The dawn has come for Rahan to be avenged!

No one heard the anguished howl of the son of Crao. His “Avengers” down there threw torches into the pit!

Page Eight.

The first flames rose and Rahan imagined fear and panic, torture.
Nothing could save them from the inferno!

Nothing? Yes! The water.
Water that masters fire!
Clinging to this last hope, Rahan leaned on a trunk of the dam.

With a fantastic effort he succeeded in unblocking this trunk, dislocating the assembly!
And under the push.

The waters, the dam gave way releasing a huge wave!
Submerged, carried away, despite all, the son of Crao launched his cry of victory!

Vapors rose when the water poured into this pit, extinguishing and suffocating the blaze.
They are all alive! The river did not want our revenge!

Page Nine.

It is not the river that did not want this revenge, Shahouk!
It is Rahan!
Rahan is alive!
The son of Crao had just appeared, like a genie emerging from the waters!

As those on the river cheered him, he became harsh.
Rahan will explain to you how Handdak made him appear dead!
But even if Rahan's death had been real.

It would not have been paid for by death.
Of these half-conscious beings! Revenge is not a good feeling, brothers!

As for you who almost died without even reacting, like the stupidest of animals, Rahan hopes that you will regain your dignity as men and women!

It is not in drugs that make you “forget” that those-who-walk-upright can find happiness!
They find it in the struggle for life, in friendship and brotherhood!

The sun was already high when the dolmen clan, led by the son of Crao, returned to their territory. And.
What. What's going on up there? What are Handdak and Hadko doing?

Page Ten.

Near the sacred Dolmen, a thick greenish smoke rose, the chief and the sorcerer were busy.

Suddenly discovering the clan climbing the hill, they shouted with joy.
Rahan did it! Rahan saved ours!

What a strange smell! What a curious smoke!
What are you preparing for, Handdak!?
You opened our eyes, “Fire hair”!

All these burning herbs are the ones I collected throughout the seasons.
The ones with which I prepared my concoctions of oblivion, you understand?

Yes, Rahan understood. The sorcerer and Hadko finally banished the drugs that had done so much harm to their clan! They would experience a new life.

Rahan has not joined you in the "Shadow Realm" yet, Crao!
But Rahan hopes you are happy with him!
Moved and happy, Crao's son watched the cursed herbs disappear in smoke on this dolmen which had been the scene of his "Death" and his "resurrection."

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