It crosses the blood brain barrier correct

7 months ago

♦️"It crosses the blood brain barrier correct. Correct. Let's say this modified mRNA
injects itself into the cells causes that heart muscle cell to produce spike protein, which is toxic to the body and then what does the body do, it has a very strong pro-inflammatory response which is problematic. Senator what you're getting at which I am 100% agreeing with you"

♦️"Yes I think there was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccine"

♦️"And I do think there was inappropriate decisions by some to try to report any side effects because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated I do think one of the greatest mistakes that was made of course was mandating these vaccines they should've never been mandated it should've been open to personal choice"

♦️"They don't prevent an infection they do have side effects"


Ron Johnson

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