#MattysRant: Episode #4: Let's Recap Health Canada Data

23 hours ago

Welcome back to #MattysRant.
This is Episode #4.
Video started Saturday July 13, 2024 at 9:46pm Ontario Canada time, the last section (at 2:20 marker video says "best example I can give you") was at 1:48pm Ontario Canada time Sunday July 14, 2024.
**BONUS** addition, the last 2:20 seconds are from an April 19, 2024 X post #Proving the 1 and 2/+ BOOSTED Canadians were DYING from COVID at #HigherRates than the Unvaxxed.

So on January 5, 2024 Health Canada decided to STOP showing, reporting on and updating Adverse Events from the C-19 "Vaccines". I'm surprised that it lasted as long as it did people! I was saying since Spring 2023 that they were going to stop after the UK started making their people file a FOIA Request for their Yellow Card Reporting Data!
So Canada, right now, still pushes #COVIDBOOSTERS on you, but won't publish, update or report #ANY Adverse Events from it, citing they now leave it in the Provinces and Territories hands!
In case you didn't know, Canada's AEFI reporting system works like this (it's not like America's VAER System):
● YOUR Doctor files an AEFI Report, checking off what you DIDN'T have before the "Vaccine"
● Sends Report to the Local Public Health Unit
● Local Public Health Unit scrutinizes it and if they can't PROVE your Doctor is Lying, pass it off to the Provincial Health Unit
● Provincial Health Unit scrutinizes it and if they can't PROVE your Doctor is Lying, pass it off to the Federal Health Unit
● Federal Health Unit scrutinizes it and if they can't PROVE your Doctor is Lying, publish the Adverse Event on their Website

They cite 11,702 Serious Adverse Events, but only show you 6,781 of them?
Their #Rationale is #ANY Adverse Event with 10 or less aren't published?
So how many #Different Adverse Events, in multiples of 10, does it take to go from 6,781 to 11,702?

Who in their #RighMind believes that Canada #ONLY has 1,231 #TOTAL Reports of #Myocarditis? And that Ontario #ALONE represents 838 of those?
So the #REST of Canada attributes the other 393 #Myocarditis Reports?
Come on people, #UseYourHead!

Weren't we ALL told Moderna was the #Myocarditis Boogeyman?
So why does Pfizer have way more #Myocarditis Reports than Moderna?
The #ONLY one that didn't give you #Myocarditis was Medicago, the trial product!
I stopped believing this Data a long time ago!

Health Canada Adverse Events

Ontario January 28, 2024 Report

Ontario "Newest" Report May 19, 2024

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